Tumore, ma non Timore (Tumour, but not fear)

The project "Tumore, ma non timore", funded within the call «Puglia Capitale Sociale 3.0 – Linea A», Fondo per il finanziamento di progetti e attività di interesse generale nel Terzo Settore, ai sensi degli artt. 72 e 73 del D.Lgs. 117/2017 Codice del Terzo Settore, was born with the aim to ensure the quality and dignity of life for patients with cancer during the difficult time of the disease.
APS Bottega del Sorriso, project promoter, and partners (Associazione Gabriel OdV, Fondazione Gianni Benzi onlus, Istituto Tumori Bari "Giovanni Paolo II" I.R.C.C.S., O.M.A. Officina Metropolitana Delle Arti, Rete A.MA.Re Puglia, Associazione UNITINSIEME) intend to deliver personalised care services, focused on the real conditions and needs of patients with cancer. The project aims at providing the right emotional and psychological support both for patient and family, acting as facilitators in the use of healthcare services at public healthcare facilities, and supporting physical recovery through proper nutrition. The project also foresees activities related to entertainment (traveling library, home film library, group motor activities, recreational events) and promotion of correct and adequate information on cancer and prevention. Precisely in this filed, Fondazione Gianni Benzi has started a Training & Education path and the promotion of innovative medicines and patient empowerment. We take care of preparing informative material for patients, families and healthcare workers, through easy-to-understand and freely accessible videos that are available on our website and social channels. This informative material is deployed in Italian only.

1. Cosa sono i tumori e fattori di rischio (What are tumours and risk factors)
This video describes what tumours are and provides information on their classification, genetic basis, risk factors and epidemiological data
2. Diagnosi e prevenzione dei tumori (Tumours diagnosis and prevention)
This video deals with diagnosis, tumour staging and differentiation and prevention approaches.
3. Il trattamento dei tumori (Treatment of tumours)
This video focuses on the treatment of tumours, ranging from surgery, radiotherapy to pharmacological therapy including innovative treatments such as target therapy, gene therapy and stem cell transplant.
4. Tumori rari e pediatrici (Rare and paediatric tumours)
This video presents rare and paediatric tumours with a focus on epidemiological data, causes, diagnosis and available treatments.
5. Fasi di sviluppo di un farmaco (Stages of medicines development)
This video describes the stages of medicines development, clinical trials and patient participation.
6. Accesso ai farmaci (Access to medicines)
This video presents access to medicines. We will look together at which medicines are authorized, off-label drugs, and unlicensed drugs.