On the occasion of the winning ceremony of the Journalists on Doping Award that will take place in Rome on November 8, the Gianni Benzi Foundation organizes the debate To continue the fight against doping.

The debate has been promoted to recall the themes that have characterized the important contribution given by Gianni Benzi to the fight against doping, namely the scientific rigor applied to the issues of doping and the battle against easy manipulations and false myths that proliferate above all where lacking information and transparency. The initiative therefore intends to exploit independent, non-partisan information, adequate in content, not bent to market needs and victory at all costs.

Program of the debate "To continue the fight against doping"
Rome, 8 November 2008 at the headquarters of the INMP (National Institute for the Health Promotion of Migrant Populations and the Fighting of Poverty Diseases), Via di S. Gallicano 25 / a.

11:30 am Registration of participants and start of work
Greetings: Aldo Morrone, Director General INMP - National Institute for the Health Promotion of Migrant Populations and the Fighting of Poverty Diseases
Roberto Natale, President of FNSI - National Federation of Italian Press

12:00 - Debate: The initiatives of the Gianni Benzi Foundation for the fight against doping
Moderator: Vittorio Silano, President of the Scientific Committee Fondazione Gianni Benzi
Introduction: Adriana Ceci, President of Fondazione Gianni Benzi
Raffaele Guariniello, Assistant Prosecutor of the Republic of Turin
Sandro Donati, Professor of Training Sciences
Sergio Rizzo, Deputy Director of Corriere dello Sport
Eugenio Capodacqua, journalist, winner of the Journalists against Doping Award
Luciano Caprino, Professor of Pharmacology, La Sapienza University
Luigi D'Ambrosio Lettieri, Senator, President of the Order of Pharmacists of Bari
Maria Pia Garavaglia, Senator
Giacomo Leopardi, President of FOFI - Federation of Pharmacist Orders of Italy
Pietro Mennea *, University professor in Sports Law
Francesco A. Siddi, General Secretary FNSI - Italian National Press Federation
Rocco Crimi *, Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council with responsibility for Sport

1.30 pm - Break

2.00 pm - Assignment of the first Journalists against doping Award and reading motivations
Prize 'Press article' to the journalist Eugenio Capodacqua
'Radio and television reportage' award to the journalist Andrea Fusco
Maria Pia Garavaglia, President of the Jury of the 'Journalists against Doping' Award
Sandro Donati, Sergio Rizzo, Giuseppe Toti, Lino Bellotti, representing the Award Jury
Felice Salvati, President of the Puglia Press and FNSI Delegate in the Award Jury
Luigia Trabace, Delegate Commission for the Fight against Doping, Ministry of Health, in the Jury of the Award

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