The upcoming monothematic conference "Il ruolo del farmacologo nell'applicazione delle metodologie innovative nella ricerca preclinica e clinica pediatrica", organised by the Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF), will be held on 21-22 March 2024, in Trieste, Italy.

Considering the difficulties related to paediatric research, which have made the standard approach of randomized clinical trials obsolete in many cases, also in view of the large number of patients, the conference focuses on conducting research on new drugs in those circumstances where clinical trials are challenging, adopting innovative in silico models of modelling and extrapolation, or in vitro approaches, with patient-specific models. Contributions on agnostic drugs in paediatric haematology and oncology will be integrated as a paradigmatic example of implementation. Please consider that the conference will run in Italian only.

Viviana Giannuzzi, head of the research department of Fondazione Gianni Benzi, is also part of the scientific committee of the conference and cooperates in the organisation of the event.

The following topics will be addressed:

  • Innovative in silico methodologies in paediatric clinical and pre-clinical pharmacological research
  • Innovative in vitro models in paediatric clinical and pre-clinical pharmacological research
  • Innovative drugs: the paradigm in paediatric haematology and oncology
  • Pre-clinical and clinical research in paediatric pharmacology: between tradition and innovation

The conference is intended for young researchers who will be able to present the results of their research as short oral or poster presentations.

Participation in the conference is free of charge.

You can register here:

Those willing to present an oral or poster presentation should send an abstract (maximum 300 words) in English to: by 23:59 on 22 February 2024.

Consult the agenda and discover more about the conference here!

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