Relevant European experts from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), National Agencies, representatives of Pharmaceutical Companies and Patient Associations in Europe will meet in Krakow (Poland) for a high-level course, the III Foresight Training Course “Benefit / Risk Assessment of Medicines to achieve shared objectives : from Research to Reality ”.

The Health Authorities have the role to guarantee the safety of the patients, but they also have the responsibility to direct the efforts of all the parts towards the most important therapeutic needs, and at the same time it is necessary to “meet” both industry and patients’ interests .

This year, the course takes place outside Italy: Krakow has been chosen for its special significance in the past history of Europe and in the recent process of integration between Europe and Eastern countries.

The III FTC is organized by the Gianni Benzi Foundation, in collaboration with the National Medicines Institute and the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw; the SIAR (Italian Society of Regulatory Affairs); MEGRA (Middle European Society of Regulatory Affairs); TEDDY (Task-force in Europe for Drug Development for the Young); the Master in Regulatory Sciences “Gianni Benzi” (University of Pavia) and the CVBF (Consortium for Biological and Pharmacological Evaluations).

The Foresight Training Courses are designed to discuss the topics of greatest interest to the pharmaceutical world, research and regulatory affairs, including the growing complexity of regulatory procedures for applying for Marketing Authorization. The courses are educational tools that review the procedures for the study, approval and use of drugs.

Download the agenda of the III FTC

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