Rare disease day 2025

Rare disease day 2025

Rare Disease Day 2025 is celebrated on 28 February to raise awareness of the challenges faced by over 300 million people worldwide. Worldwide, 300 million people live with a rare disease. Fondazione Gianni Benzi has always been at the forefront of the fight against rare diseases, promoting research and innovation to develop new therapies and improve access to treatment. Our work is carried out through various networks and European projects dedicated to: research...

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Meeting annuale di PedCRIN (23-24 aprile 2018)

Meeting annuale di PedCRIN (23-24 aprile 2018)

Il meeting annuale di PedCRIN (Rete delle Infrastrutture per la Ricerca Clinica Pediatrica) si terrà il 23 e 24 aprile a Bergen (Norvegia) presso l’Hotel Scandic Ørnen. Il progetto finanziato dal programma H2020 riunisce la Rete Europea di Infrastrutture di Ricerca Clinica (ECRIN) e i partner fondatori della European Pediatric Clinical Trial Research Infrastructure (EPCT-RI) per sviluppare capacità di gestione di sperimentazioni cliniche pediatriche multinazionali...
CloSed scientific meeting

CloSed scientific meeting

The first CloSed scientific meeting will take place in Paris on May 22-23, 2014. The meeting focuses on three main topics: • the development and finalisation of the clinical trial protocol • the preparation of the first Patient Advisory Board (PAB) meeting • the organisation of the Study Management During the meeting, representatives from the Fondazione Gianni Benzi will report on ethics and regulatory aspects related to the informed consent and Clinical Trial...

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