Press review

Conference on congenital haemoglobinopathies: some appearences on the media
The news related to the the conference Congenital Hemoglobinopaties: scientific updates and service organization for the sickle cell disease held in Bari last 4 March appeared on the following media: Le emoglobinopatie congenite: convegno a Bari Le emoglobinopatie...

XI Foresight Training Course: some appearences on the media
The news related to the XI Foresight Training Course "Change in Regulatory Sciences in the EU - How to move from a reactive to a multi-stakeholders proactive attitude", held last October 25-27 in Pavia appeared on the following media: Change in Regulatory Sciences in...

Corriere della Sera: an article on the goals of CVBF in the fields of Rare diseases and Paediatrics
Consorzio per Valutazioni Biologiche e Farmacologiche (CVBF), partner of the Gianni Benzi Pharmacological Research Foundation has been the object of an article published on March 1st, 2015 on the insert "Speciale Salute" of the national newspaper Corriere della Sera....

International Master In Regulatory Sciences (IMRS) facing the Mediterranean area, an article on Corriere Del Mezzogiorno
On 5th April, 2015, “Corriere del Mezzogiorno”, the special insert of the national newspaper Corriere della Sera,have published an article focused on the launch of the first edition of International Master in Regulatory Sciences (IMRS) facing the Mediterranean...

Towards new frontiers of paediatric clinical research
On February 27th, 2015 the national newspaper Corriere della Sera has published on its special section “Corriere Sociale,” dedicated to volunteering and Third Sector, an article on CVBF and its activities in the field of rare diseases and paediatrics. The page...

Adriana Ceci guest on Antenna Sud
Adriana Ceci (President of The Gianni Benzi Foundation) and Maria Svelto (President of HBio Puglia) guests on Antenna Sud.

Adriana Ceci’s interview on the project “Spegni il dolore”
Adriana Ceci’s interview on the project “Spegni il dolore – La rete delle lampade”. La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno.