Maria Grazia Di Carlo from Liceo Classico Bonghi in Lucera (FG) with the article ‘Tutti insieme contro il Doping’ is the winner of the first edition of the School against doping Award, organized by the Gianni Benzi Foundation in collaboration with the Puglia Region School Office.

The award, whose goal was to stimulate in boys and girls a critical reading of sporting events often mystified by an incomplete and misleading information on what turned out to be a real sports poison, for the first year was proposed on a regional basis and addressed at the dyufrnyd of the last three classes of high school.

The jury, composed by Sergio Rizzo, deputy director of Corriere dello Sport, Nicola Tangorra, Mayor of Valenzano and Rita Ceci, Dean of the Middle School Margherita di Savoia, examined 12 compositions from different schools from all over the Region. All the compositions have received a positive judgment in relation to both textual and technical competence and selected the winner based on the originality of the contribution and the communication skills.

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