Fondazione Gianni Benzi’s Foresight Training Courses are short courses for experts in the field of Regulatory Sciences that aim at contributing to high level training in order to satisfy the needs and requirements of the sector.
The VI FTC entitled “Biotech and Innovative Science to meet Patient Needs” is organised in collaboration with the High-Tech District Biotechnology and Health (H-BIO Puglia) and will take place from September 30th to October 2nd 2013 in Bari, Italy, in the context of the ‘European Biotechnology Week’ celebrating the 60th anniversary of the DNA discovery.
During the Course experts will offer a paramount vision on Biotechnologies covering most emerging therapeutic needs with a focus on rare diseases and vulnerable populations (paediatric and elderly).
Biotech results and challenges by different stakeholders points of view will be discussed: in particular the Course will focus on the promises of the market and the relevance of the partnering of small companies with Big Pharmas, on the effects (risks and benefits) of the regulatory initiatives in the pharmaceutical sector, on patients expectancies and, overall, on the acquired and on-going scientific results.
The course will provide 22,2 Italian ECM credits for Healthcare Professionals. You can learn more from the brochure.